We love youth at Brentwood Park. Seriously, they are some of our most favourite people. Because of the unique challenges that teens face, we offer programming and mentoring to help students in grades 7-12 navigate the complexity of life from a Christian perspective. We meet on the second and fourth Fridays of each month (and on the fifth Friday, if there is one)
For more information about our youth program, please email us anytime.
Youth Calendar
​​January 24 - Grogg
February 7 - Playing with your Food
February 28 - Games Night
March 14 - Olympics of Ridiculousness
March 28 - Serving Event
April 11 - Sardines
April 25 - Laser Tag
May 9 - No Money Poker Night
May 23 - Ultimate Frisbee
June 13 - Waterbaloon Mania (last event before summer)
Unless otherwise stated, BPAC Youth starts at 7:00 pm and pick up is at 9:00 pm.
As Christians, we know that Jesus changes everything. So join us as we look at the beautiful intersection where our story, God's story, and your story all meet.